Canton Parks & Recreation
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Private/Semi-Private Lessons

Private swim lessons are back at Mills Pond Pool! All lessons will be taught by a trained swim instructor in a private or semi-private (2 participants) setting. Instructors will focus on the specific needs, abilities and goals of each swimmer by creating a customized plan.
Lessons are packaged in groups of 4 lessons per session. Each lesson is 30 mins. Private lessons are for children 3 years of age or older. Adults are also welcomed to register for private lessons. Our goal is help each participant develop their swim skills and learn about water safety.
Semi-Private Lessons are for two individuals at a similar swimming level. Participants must register together for the Semi-Private Lessons. Please note, if the swimming levels of both individuals are significantly different, the swim instructor will recommend two separate lessons before continuing. In these instances, the cost of the semi-private lesson could then be credited towards private lessons.
Private Swim Lesson Policies:
- Please ensure participants arrive on time and swim ready! This will maximize in-water instruction time.
- If canceling a lesson, please call the Canton Parks & Recreation Department (860-693-5808) at least 6 hours prior from the start of the lesson.
- No call or no show is considered as a missed lesson and the lesson will not be made up.

By registering for this program, you agree to adhere to all general Canton Parks & Rec/ Mills Pond Pool Rules & Policies as well as the specific private lesson policies listed on the registration page.

In accordance to the department’s refund policy, any full program cancellations must be done 1 week prior to the start of the first lesson.
A $10 cancellation fee will be deducted from each program being cancelled. Refunds requested less than a week before a program beginning are not guaranteed, and will be assessed on a case by case basis. Refunds will NOT be issued after a program has already started. Please review all refund policies prior to registering.

Private Swim Lesson Fees: 
Private Lesson: $155/session (Session = 4 - 30 min. lessons) 
Semi-Private Lesson - fee for a max. of 2 people: $200/session (Session = 4 - 30 min. lessons) 

For the semi-private lessons, individuals must register as a pair and be of similar swimming skill. 

Please call the Parks & Recreation Office to register for the lessons (860-693-5808).